Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Light - Insight & Reflection

In this final podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we continue to raise frequency into the wisdom of light. Light is the keeper of the codes of information that host the laws of energy. Within our light template, we hold the blueprint of our divinity and also our soul’s desire to experience in any incarnation. From these codes, we draw these experiences to us through our life so that we can continue to grow and evolve on our journey. Although it is always a choice, life becomes so much more free and easy when we can allow ourselves the time to pause and reflect on our inner and outer world. Allow ourselves the opportunity to connect with our own insight, our intuition. Light is the ultimate healing frequency in this plane and we can harness its potential through our visualisation and connection to this part of us that is light. This light that exists within all things! Connect with your light to see the world around you change… 

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