Quantum Activations
Welcome to Dr Niikee’s Quantum Activation podcast! Join her in exploring various fascinating topics curated to awaken consciousness and support the evolution of our collective humanity. There is so much more available to us than we are taught in mainstream schools. The best part is that it is possible to release the suffering in our minds and journey back home to the true joy in our hearts. You can find out more here - Website - www.drniikee.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine Instagram - @dr.niikee.energy.medicine School for Metaphysical Practice - https://drniikee.podia.com/

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
In this final podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we continue to raise frequency into the wisdom of light. Light is the keeper of the codes of information that host the laws of energy. Within our light template, we hold the blueprint of our divinity and also our soul’s desire to experience in any incarnation. From these codes, we draw these experiences to us through our life so that we can continue to grow and evolve on our journey. Although it is always a choice, life becomes so much more free and easy when we can allow ourselves the time to pause and reflect on our inner and outer world. Allow ourselves the opportunity to connect with our own insight, our intuition. Light is the ultimate healing frequency in this plane and we can harness its potential through our visualisation and connection to this part of us that is light. This light that exists within all things! Connect with your light to see the world around you change…
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
In this fifth podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we continue our expansion into the higher frequency realms. The energy of the ether contains all of the patterns of information that exist within the space that is contained within everything. Also known as the Akash, which is Sanskrit for the word space. The vibrational frequencies held in the ether create the energetic imprint or signature of all things. The speed at which things vibrate is also termed frequency and the faster the movement the less tangible energy becomes. This doesn’t mean that it doesnt’ exist just because we cant see it, it is simply that the molecules are moving so fast that it is beyond 3D human vision to interpret! All communication is in the form of vibrations. Everything from sound and light to the way we receive information as well… everything is energy, so everything vibrates. Connect with the elementals of ether when you desire to expand and understand something more deeply, beyond the thinking analytical mind and into the wisdom octaves.
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
In this forth podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we take flight with the elementals of air. The energy of the air takes us up high, soaring up above all situations to allow a greater perspective to come into awareness. From this expanded space we can more easily see solutions that are best for everyone. Being the elementals of the heart space, opens to the acceptance of what is rather than holding resistances to what isn’t in life. With this comes a lightness of being which opens to so many more possibilities when operating from this space of unity and allowance for what is in each moment. Call on the air elementals whenever you are feeling a lack of clarity around decisions moving forward, to support expanding your awareness to see the bigger picture and more of the potentials that await.
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
In this third podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we traverse the power and passion of the fire elementals. Fire has that dynamic potency to bring about transformation. It not only converts stuck energy into will and determination, it also helps to clear the debris after the original patterns has been transmuted.
Fire dances with passion and drive, assisting to bring through ones higher purpose and the belief that it is possible to create in any way that a soul desires. Its ceaseless energy makes everything possible and more, as it flickers its way into alignment with hopes and dreams. Whenever there are feelings of self-doubt and fear for the future, we can connect in with these potent elementals to bring in the energy and change that we need to walk forward with the knowing that all will work out fine, as long as we believe!
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
In this second podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we explore the ebbs and flows of the water elementals. Water is synonymous with our emotions and in fact holds emotions within our physical bodies. We can use the folwing energy of the waters to assist with cleansing and clearing stuck patterns of energy, as well as physical debris from our environment within and outside of us too. The potency cannot be underestimated as it always takes the path of least resistance and once unleashed, there is no stopping its potential to bring through change. Just as the cycles and the seasons, the tides are in neverending movement. When we get stuck and stagnate in our lives it creates disharmony in our waters which plays out as feelings of low moods and depression. We can call on the waters to bring through movement in our energetics and healthier circulation in our lives.
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
In this first podcast in the new Earth Magic series, we explore the foundational energy of the element of Earth. It’s energy is all about creating a solid foundation for all other energies to be built more stabily on top. Being grounded in the present moment is important for us to have clarity in our lives. Whether we need to make decisions about our current situations or how to best curate our lives moving forward, leaning into the Earth will support you in making decisions with calmness and confidence. Whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed, you can call on the energies of the Earth to find stability in your energy and bring you back into a state of inner stillness and peace.
Enter the Library of Sacred Elements - https://drniikee.podia.com/sacred-elements
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
In this podcast interview, Rowena Jayne and I discuss physiology and biology and how they relate to the mind and emotions, and how different frequencies of energies in the body can create disharmony. According to Rowena, holistic health is the intersection of mental, physical and emotional health. Holistic Health is an overall balance of all those three. Just yoga or clean eating is not sufficient to find true wellness. We uncover how a big part of holistic health is the rituals we can integrate into our daily lives.By focusing on the breath, by eating healthy, by being in nature, by connecting to your inner self, and by creating community, we find true healing.
More about Dr Niikee's Clear & Create program... change your life in 30 days: https://drniikee.podia.com/cleanse
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
In this third podcast in the Holistic Healing - Body, Mind, Spirit series we consider mindfulness and what it means. The commonly used term, mindfulness, in the world of holistic health is an antidote to stress in the modern hustle-drive world. It is often used synonomously with meditation and believed to be only achieved by sitting in silence. This is not necessary and possible to embrace a new, simpler way to practice mindfulness. There are, in fact, simple everyday habits you can practice to improve your mindfulness. We finish with a beautiful 3-minute breathing practice that you can use whenever you feel you need to calm your mind. Its’ quick, easy and super effective at stopping stress in its tracks! My Holistic Cleanse, Clear & Create program... change your life in 30 days: https://drniikee.podia.com/cleanse
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
In this second podcast in the Holistic Healing - Body, Mind, Spirit series we will delve into 5 simple ways we can support our body so that it can heal itself. Indeed, our body, when in the right environment, has the power to heal itself, naturally. In holistic healing, the focus is on gently stimulating and empowering the body through diet, activities, and mindfulness. Although physical health is only one aspect, it is a very important part of any healing journey. The clearer the vessel, the clearer the connection to ones’ innate wisdom and the mysteries of the cosmos! Check out my Holistic Cleanse, Clear & Create... change your life in 30 days: https://drniikee.podia.com/cleanse
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
In this first podcast in the Holistic Healing - Body, Mind, Spirit series we look at true health being so much more than just an absence of symptoms. Unfortunately in the modern world, physicians are taught to focus on symptoms more than causes of the problem leading to your health condition. So the underlying cause never really goes away, just gets covered up until it creates more and more problems. Our body actually heals itself in the right environment so all we need to do is create an optimal environment and the rest takes care of itself! If this resonates, check out my Holistic Cleanse, Clear & Create... change your life in 30 days: https://drniikee.podia.com/cleanse
Learn more about Dr Niikee and her services here: https://www.drniikee.com/
Or follow on the socials - https://www.facebook.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine https://www.instagram.com/dr.niikee.energy.medicine/

About Dr Niikee
Dr Niikee’s original training was in Traditional Naturopathic Medicine almost 30 years ago, before moving over into Western clinical medicine and education research, specialising in nutritional biochemistry and medical education at the University of Queensland Medical School. Over her decades in health and wellness, she has completed studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and various schools of yoga and meditation, as well as numerous other traditional healing modalities such as shamanism and temple mysticism.
Niikee has delivered lectures and workshops both nationally and internationally, spanning both her clinical research and other specialties including vibrational remedies and mindfulness. More recently she has extended both her research, teaching and learning in the fields of metaphysics and intuitive science, currently holding a part-time Postdoc Research Fellow position at the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence. Niikee has published numerous scientific research papers and textbook chapters, including her most recent review ‘Quantum Bridging Consciousness’.
By combining clinical medicine knowledge with ancient traditional wisdom, metaphysics and quantum science, Dr Niikee has supported hundreds of her clients and students to recognise barriers and beliefs which create the deeper underlying causes of health issues and other life imbalances. With this awareness and the transformation of blocks within energy systems, life begins to move in flow with ease and grace. With her vast and diverse skill sets, extensive experience and heart-centred approach, Dr Niikee intuitively guides others to move through stuck patterns within the body, mind and spirit, to align with their optimal vitality and wellness. Her mission is to establish a community charity so that there is a wider choice of health education and support options available to all.